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all over me примеры

all over me перевод  
  • A refinement of the formula introduced on their debut, You're Living All Over Me features drawling vocals paired with loud guitars and driving rhythms.
    Усовершенствованная формула, представленная в их дебютной работе, на You Living All Over Me включает рисованный вокал в сочетании с громкими гитарами и ритмическими вождениями.
  • A refinement of the formula introduced on their debut, You're Living All Over Me features drawling vocals paired with loud guitars and driving rhythms.
    Усовершенствованная формула, представленная в их дебютной работе, на You Living All Over Me включает рисованный вокал в сочетании с громкими гитарами и ритмическими вождениями.
  • At the same time Monteiro was all over me, so sometimes it was bumper to bumper in front as well as behind. It was close on quite a few occasions, but it was a fair fight throughout.
    В то же время, Монтейро наседал сзади, мы даже равнялись бамперами.
  • Kevin Shields of My Bloody Valentine has named the album, among others, as an influence on their seminal You Made Me Realise EP; the two bands would eventually end up touring together.
    Кевин Шилдс из My Bloody Valentine назвал You're Living All Over Me повлиявшим на EP You Made Me Realise; обе группы в конечном итоге стали вместе гастролировать.
  • With HGH therapy and an expert coaching after one year I was a new man. To say in just a few words: I look and I feel 20 years younger and the girls are all over me. Thank you very much.
    Если коротко, то теперь я выгляжу и чувствую себя на 20 лет моложе, а девчонки так и вьются вокруг меня.